I am using a Rails engine as a gem in my app. The engine has PostsController
with a number of methods and I would like to extend the controller logic in my main app, e.g. to add some methods. If I just create PostsController
in the main app, then the engine's controller is not loaded.
There is a solution proposed in question Rails engines extending functionality based on altering ActiveSupport::Dependencies#require_or_load
Is it the only/correct way to do this? If yes, where do I put that piece of code?
This is the code suggested by Andrius for Rails 2.x
module ActiveSupport::Dependencies
alias_method :require_or_load_without_multiple, :require_or_load
def require_or_load(file_name, const_path = nil)
if file_name.starts_with?(RAILS_ROOT + '/app')
relative_name = file_name.gsub(RAILS_ROOT, '')
@engine_paths ||= Rails::Initializer.new(Rails.configuration).plugin_loader.engines.collect {|plugin| plugin.directory }
@engine_paths.each do |path|
engine_file = File.join(path, relative_name)
require_or_load_without_multiple(engine_file, const_path) if File.file?(engine_file)
require_or_load_without_multiple(file_name, const_path)
Why not just inherit from the Engine's controller class in your application (and point your routes at the new child controllers)? Sounds conceptually similar to the way that you extend built-in Devise controllers.