I am brand new to AngularJS and like what I've seen so far, especially the model / view binding. I'd like to make use of that to construct a simple "add to basket" piece of functionality.
This is my controller so far:
function BasketController($scope) {
$scope.products = [];
$scope.AddToBasket = function (Id, name, price, image) {
And this is my HTML:
<a ng-click="AddToBasket('237', 'Laptop', '499.95', '237.png')">Add to basket</a>
Now this works but I highly doubt this is the right way to create a new product object in my model. However this is where my total lack of AngularJS experience comes into play.
If this is not the way to do it, what is best practice?
You could use ng-init in an outer div:
The parameter will then be available in your controller's scope:
I'm not very advanced in AngularJS, but my solution would be to use a simple JS class for you cart (in the sense of coffee script) that extend Array.
The beauty of AngularJS is that you can pass you "model" object with ng-click like shown below.
I don't understand the advantage of using a factory, as I find it less pretty that a CoffeeScript class.
My solution could be transformed in a Service, for reusable purpose. But otherwise I don't see any advantage of using tools like factory or service.
Then you initialize this in your controller and create a function for that action:
Finally you set up a ng-click to an anchor, here you pass your object (retreived from the database as JSON object) to the function:
You could create a basket service. And generally in JS you use objects instead of lots of parameters.
Here's an example: http://jsfiddle.net/2MbZY/