I have a development database that re-deploy frequently from a Visual Studio Database project (via a TFS Auto Build).
Sometimes when I run my build I get this error:
ALTER DATABASE failed because a lock could not be placed on database 'MyDB'. Try again later.
ALTER DATABASE statement failed.
Cannot drop database "MyDB" because it is currently in use.
I tried this:
but I still cannot drop the database. (My guess is that most of the developers have dbo
I can manually run SP_WHO
and start killing connections, but I need an automatic way to do this in the auto build. (Though this time my connection is the only one on the db I am trying to drop.)
Is there a script that can drop my database regardless of who is connected?
To my experience, using SINGLE_USER helps most of the times, however, one should be careful: I have experienced occasions in which between the time I start the SINGLE_USER command and the time it is finished... apparently another 'user' had gotten the SINGLE_USER access, not me. If that happens, you're in for a tough job trying to get the access to the database back (in my case, it was a specific service running for a software with SQL databases that got hold of the SINGLE_USER access before I did). What I think should be the most reliable way (can't vouch for it, but it is what I will test in the days to come), is actually:
- stop services that may interfere with your access (if there are any)
- use the 'kill' script above to close all connections
- set the database to single_user immediately after that
- then do the restore
The accepted answer has the drawback that it doesn't take into consideration that a database can be locked by a connection that is executing a query that involves tables in a database other than the one connected to.
This can be the case if the server instance has more than one database and the query directly or indirectly (for example through synonyms) use tables in more than one database etc.
I therefore find that it sometimes is better to use syslockinfo to find the connections to kill.
My suggestion would therefore be to use the below variation of the accepted answer from AlexK:
You can get the script that SSMS provides by doing the following:
The script will look something like this:
I have tested successfully with simple code below
Little known: the GO sql statement can take an integer for the number of times to repeat previous command.
So if you:
This will repeat the USE command 2000 times, force deadlock on all other connections, and take ownership of the single connection. (Giving your query window sole access to do as you wish.)