I'm porting an app written in a graphics environment that allows drawing to happen outside the bounds of the clipping rectangle. Any way to do this in Android?
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You can draw where you like, but nothing will be saved outside the clipping rectangle.
If you want to draw text out of bounds in TextView, you should be doing this instead:
It's not working to use clipRect() like @numan's answer because TextView clip it's own rect in onDraw():
Last but not least, Don't forget to set
in your parent ViewGrouptry to set
to the parent view
The answer @numan gave is almost ok, the problem is memory allocation with that approach, so we should be doing this, instead:
That solves the problem :-)
To draw outside the bounds, you need to expand the clipRect of the canvas.
Check out the overloaded clipRect methods on the Canvas class.
Note - You will need to specify the Region operation because the default operation is INTERSECT. So something like this: