When I try to use an image for a UIBarButtonItem, the text isn't shown. Is there a way to show both the text and the image?
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I suggest a way how to do this using Storyboard:
Put UIButton and UILabel inside a View. You can use constraints to adjust their positions. Also you can put thier outside of a View, for example, little higher or less (like on my picture). Put Default and Highlighted images for UIButton.
Copy Bar Button Item and adjust another buttons. Add Flexible spaces.
Create outlets.
Done :). When you run app, you get Tool Bar like this:
P.S. Here you can read how to create UIToolbar subclass using .xib
Kris Markel's answer is a good start (only < iOS7), but if you use tint color, it wount work for the image and the highlighted state of the button.
I've created a category that will create a UIBarButtonItem (leftBarButtonItem) that looks and behaves like a normal iOS7 back button. Have a look at: https://github.com/Zero3nna/UIBarButtonItem-DefaultBackButton
Swift 4.2 with target
You can init the UIBarButtonItem with a custom view that has both image and text. Here's a sample that uses a UIButton.
Swift Update for UIBarButtonItem with a custom view that has both image and text.