I have code in my controller that is ranking albums by the highest average review rating (used code from this solution How to display highest rated albums through a has_many reviews relationship):
@albums = Album.joins(:reviews).select("*, avg(reviews.rating) as average_rating").group("albums.id").order("average_rating DESC")
This code works perfectly in my development environment (sqlite3), however when I pushed the code to heroku and to postgresql I got this error:
PG::GroupingError: ERROR: column "reviews.id" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
I realize this is a fairly common problem, I am a bit inexperienced with SQL so I am having trouble refactoring the code so it will work in both my development and production environments.
You are not allowed to select
(selected implicitly through the wildcard*
) without adding it to theGROUP BY
clause or applying an aggregate function likeavg()
. The solution is to do one of the following:*
from your selectreviews.id
to your group clausereviews.id
explicitly and apply an aggregate function to it (e.g.sum(reviews.id)
with the table-specific wildcardalbums.*
The second and third option do not make much sense in your scenario though. Based on your comment, I added option four.
The only really acceptable solution I found to this kind of problem was with this code:
I hope it helps someone.
Just would like to share this code on ruby using active record (sinatra)
I had to add "group by" to an "order by" function, so line of code ...
and it worked perfect, just remember the ID field in this case "Port.id" must be added to the group clause otherwise will raise this error, and as @slash mentioned you can not achieve this with special functions (select implicitly through the wildcard * or in my case using "all")