How can I retrieve the path to the root directory in WordPress CMS?
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Note: This answer is really old and things may have changed in WordPress land since.
I am guessing that you need to detect the WordPress root from your plugin or theme. I use the following code in FireStats to detect the root WordPress directory where FireStats is installed a a WordPress plugin.
Looking at the bottom of your wp-config.php file in the wordpress root directory will let you find something like this:
For an example file have a look here:
You can make use of this constant called ABSPATH in other places of your wordpress scripts and in most cases it should point to your wordpress root directory.
First Way:
Second Way:
// This shows the absolute path of WordPressABSPATH
is a constant defined in the wp-config.php file.For retrieving the path you can use a function
<?php $path = get_home_path(); ?>
. I do not want to just repeat what had been already said here, but I want to add one more thing:If you are using windows server, which is rare case for WordPress installation, but still happens sometimes, you might face a problem with the path output. It might miss a "\" somewhere and you will get an error if you will be using such a path. So when outputting make sure to sanitize the path: