I am trying to pass data from my app into my Apple Watch app. Basically, I am using the same method as I used for creating the today widget and so I am passing data through NSUserDefaults.
The problem is, that when I run my app, the data does not update the labels in the Watch app as I would expect it to.
Here is what I have...
override init(context: AnyObject?) {
// Initialize variables here.
super.init(context: context)
// Configure interface objects here.
NSLog("%@ init", self)
var defaults = NSUserDefaults(suiteName: "group.AffordIt")
var totalBudgetCalculation = ""
if (defaults!.stringForKey("totalBudgetWidget") != nil) {
totalBudgetCalculation = defaults!.stringForKey("totalBudgetWidget")!
initialBudgetLabel.setText("Initial: \(totalBudgetCalculation)")
var currentBudgetCalculation = ""
if (defaults!.stringForKey("currentBudgetWidget") != nil) {
currentBudgetCalculation = defaults!.stringForKey("currentBudgetWidget")!
currentBudgetLabel.setText("Current: \(currentBudgetCalculation)")
I tried putting this code in willActivate()
, however that doesn't seem to make a difference.
Anyone know where I am going wrong?
Just use watch connectivity for communicate between these two platform you can read more about this in apple document
This applies to OS 1 only. See below for better answers.
I got it working using your method. I guess there's a couple of things you can check:
1) Are you synchronising the defaults after you set the value:
2) Have you enabled the App Group in both your app and your extension?
3) Are you using the correctly named app group when constructing the NSDefaults? For example, I use:
Once all that's set up I run the app, set the value in the defaults, then run the glance target which reads the value from the default and that seems to work!
As @johndpope said, shared NSUserDefaults no longer work on WatchOS2.
I'm posting a simplified solution that's not as full featured as john's but will get the job done in most cases.
In your iPhone App, follow these steps:
Pick find the view controller that you want to push data to the Apple Watch from and add the framework at the top.
Now, establish a WatchConnectivity session with the watch and send some data.
Please note, this will NOT work if you skip setting the delegate, so even if you never use it you must set it and add this extension:
Now, in your watch app (this exact code works for Glances and other watch kit app types as well) you add the framework:
Then you set up the connectivity session:
and you simply listen and handle the messages from the iOS app:
That's all there is to it.
Items of note:
Another way to communicate between the app and the watch is via wormhole:
The accepted answer applies to apple watch os 1. See NSUserDefaults not working on Xcode beta with Watch OS2
For OS2 - you will need to use the WatchConnectivity frameworks and implement the WCSessionDelegate.
Sample Usage
in my iphone code / I can invoke sharing data here
And somewhere else I have another discrete singleton for watch data session.
Refer to sample watch os2 app