I am trying to install properly Twitter Bootstrap in my current ember-cli project. I did install bootstrap with bower :
bower install --save bootstrap
Now the library is downloded in /vendor/bootstrap/dist/(css|js|fonts) I tried what is mentioned here : http://ember-cli.com/#managing-dependencies replacing path and css files names but I get errors regarding the Brocfile.js file. I think the brocfile format has changed too much compared to the example.
I also tried to @import with the /app/styles/app.css file after moving the stylesheets in the /app/styles/ directory :
@import url('/assets/bootstrap.css');
@import url('/assets/bootstrap-theme.css');
But it did not work. The files are visible true dev server : http://localhost:4200/assets/bootstrap.css
Can someone throw me a bone here ?
Edit :
ember -v
ember-cli 0.0.23
/* global require, module */
var uglifyJavaScript = require('broccoli-uglify-js');
var replace = require('broccoli-replace');
var compileES6 = require('broccoli-es6-concatenator');
var validateES6 = require('broccoli-es6-import-validate');
var pickFiles = require('broccoli-static-compiler');
var mergeTrees = require('broccoli-merge-trees');
var env = require('broccoli-env').getEnv();
var getEnvJSON = require('./config/environment');
var p = require('ember-cli/lib/preprocessors');
var preprocessCss = p.preprocessCss;
var preprocessTemplates = p.preprocessTemplates;
var preprocessJs = p.preprocessJs;
module.exports = function (broccoli) {
var prefix = 'caisse';
var rootURL = '/';
// index.html
var indexHTML = pickFiles('app', {
srcDir: '/',
files: ['index.html'],
destDir: '/'
indexHTML = replace(indexHTML, {
files: ['index.html'],
patterns: [{ match: /\{\{ENV\}\}/g, replacement: getEnvJSON.bind(null, env)}]
// sourceTrees, appAndDependencies for CSS and JavaScript
var app = pickFiles('app', {
srcDir: '/',
destDir: prefix
app = preprocessTemplates(app);
var config = pickFiles('config', { // Don't pick anything, just watch config folder
srcDir: '/',
files: [],
destDir: '/'
var sourceTrees = [app, config, 'vendor'].concat(broccoli.bowerTrees());
var appAndDependencies = mergeTrees(sourceTrees, { overwrite: true });
// JavaScript
var legacyFilesToAppend = [
var applicationJs = preprocessJs(appAndDependencies, '/', prefix);
applicationJs = compileES6(applicationJs, {
loaderFile: 'loader/loader.js',
ignoredModules: [
inputFiles: [
prefix + '/**/*.js'
legacyFilesToAppend: legacyFilesToAppend,
wrapInEval: env !== 'production',
outputFile: '/assets/app.js'
if (env === 'production') {
applicationJs = uglifyJavaScript(applicationJs, {
mangle: false,
compress: false
// Styles
var styles = preprocessCss(appAndDependencies, prefix + '/styles', '/assets');
// Bootstrap Style integration
var bootstrap = pickFiles('vendor', {
srcDir: '/bootstrap/dist/css',
files: [
destDir: '/assets/'
//var bootstrap = preprocessCss(appAndDependencies, '/vendor/bootstrap/dist/css', '/assets');
// Ouput
var outputTrees = [
// Testing
if (env !== 'production') {
var tests = pickFiles('tests', {
srcDir: '/',
destDir: prefix + '/tests'
var testsIndexHTML = pickFiles('tests', {
srcDir: '/',
files: ['index.html'],
destDir: '/tests'
var qunitStyles = pickFiles('vendor', {
srcDir: '/qunit/qunit',
files: ['qunit.css'],
destDir: '/assets/'
testsIndexHTML = replace(testsIndexHTML, {
files: ['tests/index.html'],
patterns: [{ match: /\{\{ENV\}\}/g, replacement: getEnvJSON.bind(null, env)}]
tests = preprocessTemplates(tests);
sourceTrees = [tests, 'vendor'].concat(broccoli.bowerTrees());
appAndDependencies = mergeTrees(sourceTrees, { overwrite: true });
var testsJs = preprocessJs(appAndDependencies, '/', prefix);
var validatedJs = validateES6(mergeTrees([app, tests]), {
whitelist: {
'ember/resolver': ['default'],
'ember-qunit': [
var legacyTestFiles = [
legacyFilesToAppend = legacyFilesToAppend.concat(legacyTestFiles);
testsJs = compileES6(testsJs, {
// Temporary workaround for
// https://github.com/joliss/broccoli-es6-concatenator/issues/9
loaderFile: '_loader.js',
ignoredModules: [
inputFiles: [
prefix + '/**/*.js'
legacyFilesToAppend: legacyFilesToAppend,
wrapInEval: true,
outputFile: '/assets/tests.js'
var testsTrees = [qunitStyles, testsIndexHTML, validatedJs, testsJs];
outputTrees = outputTrees.concat(testsTrees);
return mergeTrees(outputTrees, { overwrite: true });
The JS will be added to the app.js, which is linked by default, and the CSS will be added to
, which as of May 14th, is also added by default.For reference: http://www.ember-cli.com/#managing-dependencies
In response to @Joe's question surrounding fonts and other assets, I was unable to get the recommended app.import() method to work on the fonts. I instead opted for the merge-trees and static-compiler approach:
This is how I package vendor CSS files with Broccoli (which underpins Ember-cli).
Where the
folder is where my Bower packages live. Andassets
is where I'm expecting my CSS to live. I'm assuming you've installed Bootstrap using Bower, which is the Ember-cli way.Then in my index.html, I'm simply referencing that
You might want to check out ember-bootstrap, which will import the bootstrap assets automatically.
Moreover it adds a suite of native ember components to your app, that make working with bootstrap features much easier in ember. Check it out, although I am a bit biased, as I am the author of it! ;)
If you're using SASS (probably via
is automatically added to the lookup path. This means you can just use Bower and avoid the Brocfile/ember-cli-build file altogether.Install the official SASS version of Bootstrap with Bower
then import the lib in
. The nice thing about this is you can customize the variables before importing bootstrap:in your