Does anybody know how to set padding between the ActionBar's home icon and the title?
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In your XML, set the
in your Toolbar view as following:Or in your code:
I also faced a similar issue, in my case I had to set titles dynamically on each activity depending on the content.
So this worked for me.
If all you want is the spacing, this is the easiest solution I could think of.
this work for me to add padding to the title and for
icon i have set that programmatically.For my case, it was with Toolbar i resolved it like this:
In my Fragment, i check the api :
Good luck!
For me only the following combination worked, tested from API 18 to 24
where in "app" is :
for example.
This is a common question in Material Design as you may want to line your toolbars title with the content in the fragment below. To do this, you can override the default padding of "12dp" by using the attribute contentInsetStart="72dp" in your toolbar.xml layout as shown below
Then in your activity, call
And you end up with this: