Does anybody know how to set padding between the ActionBar's home icon and the title?
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Just add
" "
for your app name It will add space between icon and titleI had a similar issue but with spacing between the up and the custom app icon/logo in the action bar. Dushyanth's solution of setting padding programatically worked for me (setting padding on app/logo icon). I tried to find either or (ActionBarSherlock only, as this ensures backwards compatibility), and it seems to work across 2.3-4.3 devices I've tested on.
If you are using toolbar from AppCompat (, >= revision 24, June 2016), the padding between the icon and the title can be changed with the following value :
To improve my answer, you can use it on your toolbar directly inside your activity or you can create a new layout file for your toolbar. In this case, you just have to import your toolbar's @id using the include property on each needed views.
You can then import your layout on your activity.xml
works for me. Xamarin example:Set the logo like so:
Im using a custom image instead of the default title text to the right of my apps logo. This is set up programatically like
The issues with the above answers for me are @Cliffus's suggestion does not work for me due to the issues others have outlined in the comments and while @dushyanth programatic padding setting may have worked in the past I would think that the fact that the spacing is now set using
since API 17 manually setting the padding should have no effect. See the link he posted to git to verify its current state.A simple solution for me is to set a negative margin on my custom view in the actionBar, like so
. A quick test shows it works for me on 2.3.3 and 4.3 usingActionBarCompat
Hope this helps someone!
I solved this problem by using custom Navigation layout
Using it you can customize anything in title on action bar: