Xcode 7 In Target > BuildPhases > Link Binary With Libraries > tap + button
When choosing frameworks to add, you cannot find *.dylib, you'll see *.tbd instead.
What is the reason for this?
**For people who need dylib, follow from this post
- Choose "Add other"
- Once in the file selection window do "CMD"+Shift+G (Go to folder) & type /usr/lib/
- From /user/lib you can find the *.dylib files
.dylib is the compiled binary that contains the machine code. .tbd is a smaller text file, similar to a cross-platform module map.
-Text Based dylib stubs
. It is a kind of optimization that allows do not copy a.dylib
file (which exists on a target) into your bundle(e.g. application). This file does not have binary code that has a size effectIt is applicable only for:
For iOS development you can find .tbd files which you can use here
For example
looks likeThis file contains some meta information like:
locationI've scoured Google but the only thing I can find so far is the following quote from the Apple developer forums:
Hopefully more documentation will be coming soon.
As an example, here is the entire contents of libsqlite3.tbd. It is just a text file. Note that the install-name is libsqlite3.dylib.
I found this and other .tbd files in
You can also see a .tbd file if you go to the General tab of your Xcode project and then add a library under Linked Frameworks and Libraries. The .tbd file will be copied to your project.
So it appears that the .dylib file is the actual library of binary code that your project is using and is located in the /usr/lib/ directory on the user's device. The .tbd file, on the other hand, is just a text file that is included in your project and serves as a link to the required .dylib binary. Since this text file is much smaller than the binary library, it makes the SDK's download size smaller.
At this point I am only surmising from the information given, so please correct me if I am wrong.