I need to programmaticaly via a VBA/VBS script export all worksheets (4 in total and I know the names) to worksheet named csv files in the same folder, without loading excel and running the macro manually.
Ideally the script would take in the source filepath/filename.xls and the export filepath as command line arguments.
I have read many Excel VBA scripts for doing just that within Excel and I have seen some for loading an excel workbook to export the first sheet. However when I try to blend the two I get this error:
(1,12) Expected End of Statement
Dim source As Workbook
Set source = Application.Workbooks.Open(WScript.Arguments.Item(0), ReadOnly:=True)
For Each sheet In source.Sheets
.SaveAs Filename:= WScript.Arguments.Item(1) & Source.Sheets.Name, FileFormat:=xlCSV
Next sheet
A vbs to run this code would look something like this.
two key points to note compared to your VBA above
you can't used a named constant such as
in vbscript, hence the use of 6 below as the CSV formatTo get you started:
Given an Excel workbook containing a sheet Demo like
and an ADODB.Connection with a ConnectionString like:
all you need to .Execute is a SELECT INTO statement like
to get:
(german locale)
The SELECT INTO statement will create the appropriate section
in the schema.ini file automagically.