Using reflection on Java classes to access all field, methods, and so on:
Is there a standardized order of these elements (which is specified in some standard)?
Of course, I could check it empirically, but I need to know if it's always the same.
I waited for the question: What I need the order for ;)
Long story short: I have JAXB-annotated classes, and want no
represent these classes visually. While the order of XML attributes
is neither relevant for the XML
standard, nor for JAXB, I want to have a certain order the XML attributes for the
visual representation.
For example: start comes after end. This hurts one's intuition.
A sample for my annotation based idea.
According to the documentation:
Even though getFields() and getMethods() return results in no particular order, you can add the elements in the returned arrays to collections, and provide your own Comparator to sort them however you want.
In this example, I'm just sorting the fields and methods based on the alphabetical order of their names - but you could sort them based on declaring class, modifiers, return types, etc. by providing the required logic in the respective Comparator.