I'm using a standard example from the web (http://www.20seven.org/journal/2008/11/pdf-generation-with-pisa-in-django.html) to convert a django view / template into a PDF.
Is there an "easy" way to include images (either from a url or a reference on the server) in the template so they will show on the PDF?
I could not get images to appear despite trying every solution I could find on google. But this fudge worked for me as the command line version of pisa displays images ok:
This worked where the images had either a url or the full path name, eg.
Following line of code in HTML and Django version=2.0 works for me.
You can convert the image to base64 too.
Converting to base64 you will never have problems with image links.
You could always add the images afterwards with IText/ISharp.
I got the images working. the code is as follows:
This was taken liberally from http://groups.google.com/group/xhtml2pdf/browse_thread/thread/4cf4e5e0f4c99f55