I have a reactive form with 2 controls (port_start and port_end) that have the following requirements:
- Both must have a value
- Their values must be between 0 and 65535
- port_start value must be less than port_end value
This is what I tried so far:
new FormControl(object.port_start ? object.port_start : 0,
[Validators.required, Validators.min(0), Validators.max(65535), this.minMaxValidator('port_start', 'port_end').bind(this)]));
new FormControl(object.ort_end ? object.port_end : 0,
[Validators.required, Validators.min(0), Validators.max(65535), this.minMaxValidator('port_start', 'port_end').bind(this)]));
This is the custom validator function:
minMaxValidator = function(startControl : string, endControl : string): ValidatorFn {
return (control: FormControl): {[key: string]: any} => {
let valid = true;
let valStart = 0;
let valEnd = 0;
if(this.formModel.controls[startControl] && this.formModel.controls[endControl]) {
valStart = <number>this.formModel.controls[startControl].value;
valEnd = <number>this.formModel.controls[endControl].value;
valid = valEnd >= valStart;
return valid ? null : { minmax : true };
This works fine except for this problem:
- Let's say I type '2' in the 'port_start' field. Angular marks it as non valid because it's more than the value of 'port_end' (which is 0 by default). If I type '5' in the 'port_end' field, the app still shows 'port_start' as invalid, although now it's correct.
I understand that the problem is that I need to re-check the associated field each time I change the other one's value, but I don't know how to do it.
Any ideas? Thanks,
Unlike @Tomasz said, you can keep the validation at control level.
The secret : listen to changes on your form, and when it occurs, set the validators with the current values.
Here is a stackblitz that shows you how it works.
And here is the code I used :
validators can be kept as is. If you want to validate one control based on the value of another, you need to lift the validation to the parent control.Live demo