I have always thought that functional programming can be done in Python. Thus, I was surprised that Python didn't get much of a mention in this question, and when it was mentioned, it normally wasn't very positive. However, not many reasons were given for this (lack of pattern matching and algebraic data types were mentioned). So my question is: why isn't Python very good for functional programming? Are there more reasons than its lack of pattern matching and algebraic data types? Or are these concepts so important to functional programming that a language that doesn't support them can only be classed as a second rate functional programming language? (Keep in mind that my experience with functional programming is quite limited.)
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Python is almost a functional language. It's "functional lite".
It has extra features, so it isn't pure enough for some.
It also lacks some features, so it isn't complete enough for some.
The missing features are relatively easy to write. Check out posts like this on FP in Python.
Another reason not mentioned above is that many built-in functions and methods of built-in types modify an object but do not return the modified object. If those modified objects were returned, that would make functional code cleaner and more concise. For example, if some_list.append(some_object) returned some_list with some_object appended.
One thing that is really important for this question (and the answers) is the following: What the hell is functional programming, and what are the most important properties of it. I'll try to give my view of it:
Functional programming is a lot like writing math on a whiteboard. When you write equations on a whiteboard, you do not think about an execution order. There is (typically) no mutation. You don't come back the day after and look at it, and when you make the calculations again, you get a different result (or you may, if you've had some fresh coffee :)). Basically, what is on the board is there, and the answer was already there when you started writing things down, you just haven't realized what it is yet.
Functional programming is a lot like that; you don't change things, you just evaluate the equation (or in this case, "program") and figure out what the answer is. The program is still there, unmodified. The same with the data.
I would rank the following as the most important features of functional programming: a) referential transparency - if you evaluate the same statement at some other time and place, but with the same variable values, it will still mean the same. b) no side effect - no matter how long you stare at the whiteboard, the equation another guy is looking at at another whiteboard won't accidentally change. c) functions are values too. which can be passed around and applied with, or to, other variables. d) function composition, you can do h=g·f and thus define a new function h(..) which is equivalent to calling g(f(..)).
This list is in my prioritized order, so referential transparency is the most important, followed by no side effects.
Now, if you go through python and check how well the language and libraries supports, and guarantees, these aspects - then you are well on the way to answer your own question.