I've a web page that that can be used to upload files.
Now I need to check if the file type is correct (zip, jpg, pdf,...).
I can use the mimeType that comes with the request but I don't trust the user and let's say I want to be sure that nobody is able to upload a .gif file that was renamed in .jpg
I think that in this case I should inspect the magic number.
This is a java library I've found that seems to achieve what I need 'extract the mimetype from the magic number'.
Is this a correct solution or what do you suggest?
I've found the mime-util project and it seems very good and up-to-date! (maybe better then Java Mime Magic Library?)
Here is a list of utility projects that can help you to extract mime-types
The activation framework is Sun's answer to this. And you may well have this already in the classpath of your app server
Try Java Mime Magic Library
I'm sure the library posted by @sfussenegger is the best solution, but I do it by hand with the following snippet that I hope it could help you.
PD: The best of it is that it doesn't have any dependency. PD2: No warranty about it's correctness! PD3: "desconocido" stands for "unknown" (in spanish)