I'm running PHP with MAMP on OSX 10.5.8
So if I want to run a script from console I always need to write
/applications/mamp/bin/php5.3/bin/php path/to/script
which is annoying. Is there a way to change the default path to php so that I can write
php path/to/script
and still uses MAMPs PHP version?
I'm not sure if this is specific to MAMP 3.0 or not but you need to do the following path for MAMP 3.0. Make sure you change the PHP version to the version you are using for your server.
Again this goes in ~/.bash_profile
The easiest way would be to rewrite the alias. Just copy/paste the cmd bellow into terminal for temporary use or write it into .bash_profile to make it permanent.
Run php via our new alias
In addition to bfvarettos great answer: since .bash_profile executes at login, you will need to restart your system for the changes to take effect.
Create a file called
on your home directory (if you don't have this file already), and add this to the file:Then quit and relaunch Terminal.app
Use latest MAMP version of PHP
(Use source ~/.bash_profile after making your changes to make sure they take effect.)
source: How to override the path of PHP to use the MAMP path?