I have a C++ project in Visual Studio 2010 and wish to use OCR. I came across many "tutorials" for Tesseract but sadly, all I got was a headache and wasted time.
In my project I have an image stored as a Mat. One solution to my problem is to save this Mat as an image (image.jpg for example) and then call Tesseract executable file like this:
system("tesseract.exe image.jpg out");
Which gets me an output out.txt and then I call
infile.open ("out.txt");
to read the output from Tesseract.
It is all good and works like a chair but it is not an optimal solution. In my project I am processing a video so save/call .exe/write/read at 10+ FPS is not what I am really looking for. I want to implement Tesseract to existing code so to be able to pass a Mat as an argument and immediately get a result as a String.
Do you know any good tutorial(pref. step-by-step) to implement Tesseract OCR with Visual Studio 2010? Or your own solution?
It has been a lot since the last reply but it may be help to others;
(This answer must be a comment to Bruce's answer. Sorry for confusion. )
OK, I figured it out but it works for Release and Win32 configuration only (No debug or x64). There are many linking errors under Debug configuration.
1. First of all, download prepared library folder(Tesseract + Leptonica) here:
Mirror 1(Google Drive)
Mirror 2(MediaFire)
2. Extract
3. In Visual Studio, go under
C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories
4. Under
Linker > General > Additional Library Directories
5. Under
Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies
Sample code should look like this:
For interaction with OpenCV and Mat type images look HERE
You need to use the library through the API.
Most probably:
start by downlaoding the libs ( https://code.google.com/p/tesseract-ocr/downloads/detail?name=tesseract-3.02.02-win32-lib-include-dirs.zip&can=2&q= ). They're compiled with Visual 2008 but it should be enough
Use the API directly (example, look at an open source project using it: https://code.google.com/p/qtesseract/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2Ftessdata ) and read the links from this answer : How can i use tesseract ocr(or any other free ocr) in small c++ project?