I want an html form to do nothing after it has been submitted.
is no good because it causes the page to reload.
Basically i want an ajax function to be called whenever a button is pressed or someone hits "enter" after typing it data. Yes i could drop the form tag and add just call the function from the button's onclick event, but i also want the "hitting enter" functionality without getting all hackish.
You can use the following HTML
As part of the button's onclick event return false which will stop the form from submitting.
And just call that function on submit button click. There are many different ways.
By using
return false;
in the javascript that you call from the submit button, you can stop the form from submitting.Basically, you need the following HTML:
Then the supporting javascript:
If you desire, you can also have certain conditions allow the script to submit the form:
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How about
use jquery. Maybe put a div around your elements from the form. Then use preventDefault() and then make your ajax calls