I recently asked for help https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20253515/no-idea-as-to-usr-lib-x86-64-linux-gnu-libstdc-so-6-version-cxxabi-1-3-8 and it got downvoted and closed (I don't know why)
It turns out that "make install" - the make target that installs and implies the target "install-target-libstdc++v3" doesn't actually mean you're ready to go.
I've been stuck for a while wondering what I was doing wrong because I assumed that such a make target would do that for me.
I hope this answer helps at least one other person.
In my case it was gcc 6 the one missing
sudo apt-get install gcc-6 g++-6 -y
For all those stuck with a similar problem, run the following:
When you compile and install GCC it does put the libraries here but that's it. As the FAQs say ( http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/faq.html#faq.how_to_set_paths ) you need to add it.
I assumed "How do I insure that the dynamically linked library will be found? " meant "how do I make sure it is always found" not "it wont be found, you need to do this"
For those who don't bother setting a prefix, it is /usr/local/lib64
You can find this mentioned briefly when you install gcc if you read the make output:
Grr that was simple! Also "if you ever happen to want to link against the installed libraries" - seriously?