I want to know whether android bundle's data size has upper limit. I try to post data by bundle which size >80k,and throw android fatal exception.The data is Serializable.
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Parcelable and Bundles
I think the limit is 500kb. You can save the passed object in a file and send the path of the file in the bundle instead. You can check similar question asked by me at SO
Yes it has 1MB limit.
You can use
class to pass data.Yes it has, and now in android Nougat it will crash if you exceeded the limit roughly(500Kb).
android nougat issue
It depends on the purpose of the bundle. The bundle itself is only limited by the amount of memory.
The two main uses for bundles are to pass information between components using intents and to save the state of activities.
1. Intents / Binders
When used to pass information between Android components the bundle is serialized into a binder transaction. The total size for all binder transactions in a process is 1MB. If you exceed this limit you will receive this fatal error "!!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!!"
It's recommend that you keep the data in these bundles as small as possible because it's a shared buffer, anything more than a few kilobytes should be written to disk.
Reference: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/jb-release/core/jni/android_util_Binder.cpp
Reference: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/TransactionTooLargeException.html
2. Saved Instance State ( Activity onSaveInstanceState, onPause etc. )
I found no limit in the size I could store in the bundle used to preserve Activity state. I did some tests and could successfully store about 175mb before I received an out of memory exception trying to allocate the data I was attempting to save.
According to the Google Android API, the date should be less than 50K.