I'm gathering statistics on a list of websites and I'm using requests for it for simplicity. Here is my code:
websites=['http://google.com', 'http://bbc.co.uk']
for w in websites:
r= requests.get(w, verify=False)
data.append( (r.url, len(r.content), r.elapsed.total_seconds(), str([(l.status_code, l.url) for l in r.history]), str(r.headers.items()), str(r.cookies.items())) )
Now, I want requests.get
to timeout after 10 seconds so the loop doesn't get stuck.
This question has been of interest before too but none of the answers are clean. I will be putting some bounty on this to get a nice answer.
I hear that maybe not using requests is a good idea but then how should I get the nice things requests offer. (the ones in the tuple)
pardon me but I am wondering why nobody suggested the following simpler solution? :-o