I have the following code:
Func<string, bool> comparer = delegate(string value) {
return value != "0";
However, the following does not compile:
var comparer = delegate(string value) {
return value != "0";
Why can't the compiler figure out it is a Func<string, bool>
? It takes one string parameter, and returns a boolean. Instead, it gives me the error:
Cannot assign anonymous method to an implicitly-typed local variable.
I have one guess and that is if the var version compiled, it would lack consistency if I had the following:
var comparer = delegate(string arg1, string arg2, string arg3, string arg4, string arg5) {
return false;
The above wouldn't make sense since Func<> allows only up to 4 arguments (in .NET 3.5, which is what I am using). Perhaps someone could clarify the problem. Thanks.
How is about that?