Using Swift 1.1 and Xcode 6.2.
I have a UIStoryboard containing a singular, custom UIViewController
subclass. On it, I have an @IBOutlet
connection of type UIView
from that controller to a UIView
subclass on the storyboard. I also have similar outlets for subviews of that view. See figure A.
But at run time, these properties are nil (Figure B). Even though I have assured I've connected the outlets in Interface Builder.
- Is it possible that because I am using a subclass of a subclass something messes up with the initialization? I am not overriding any initializers
is not getting called for some reason- Maybe it doesn't connecting to subviews on subviews
Things I have tried:
- Matching
and storyboard item types exactly (instead ofUIView
) - Deleting property and outlet and re-added them
Figure A*
Figure B
*The obscured code in Figure A
@IBOutlet private var annotationOptionsView: UIView!
@IBOutlet private var arrivingLeavingSwitch: UISegmentedControl!
Thank you.
This was happening to me with my custom collection view cell. Turns out I had to replace my registerClassforReuseIdentifier method with registerNib. That fixed it for me.
You can validate if the is view is loaded.
I had the same problem after copying a class (linked to a xib) to reuse it with another viewcontroller class (linked to a storyboard). I forgot to remove
After removing them, my outlets started to work.
Other case:
Your outlets won't get set until the view controller's view is actually instantiated, which in your case is probably happening shortly after initWithNibName:bundle:—at which point they'll still be nil. Any setup you do that involves those outlets should be happening in your view controller's -viewDidLoad method.
For Swift 3.
Yet another case I just ran into. I changed the name of my class for the UIViewController, but I forgot to change the name of the .xib file where the interface was built.
Once I caught this and made the file names reflect the class name, it was all good!
I hope that helps someone.