Can anyone tell me the difference between Hive's external table and internal tables. I know the difference comes when dropping the table. I don't understand what you mean by the data and metadata is deleted in internal and only metadata is deleted in external tables. Can anyone explain me in terms of nodes please.
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The only difference in behaviour (not the intended usage) based on my limited research and testing so far (using Hive 1.1.0 -cdh5.12.0) seems to be that when a table is dropped
(NOTE: See Section 'Managed and External Tables' in which list some other difference which I did not completely understand)
I believe Hive chooses the location where it needs to create the table based on the following precedence from top to bottom
When the "Location" option is not used during the "creation of a hive table", the above precedence rule is used. This is applicable for both Internal and External tables. This means an Internal table does not necessarily have to reside in the Warehouse directory and can reside anywhere else.
Note: I might have missed some scenarios, but based on my limited exploration, the behaviour of both Internal and Extenal table seems to be the same except for the one difference (data deletion) described above. I tried the following scenarios for both Internal and External tables.
External hive table has advantages that it does not remove files when we drop tables,we can set row formats with different settings , like serde....delimited
For managed tables, Hive controls the lifecycle of their data. Hive stores the data for managed tables in a sub-directory under the directory defined by hive.metastore.warehouse.dir by default.
When we drop a managed table, Hive deletes the data in the table.But managed tables are less convenient for sharing with other tools. For example, lets say we have data that is created and used primarily by Pig , but we want to run some queries against it, but not give Hive ownership of the data.
At that time, external table is defined that points to that data, but doesn’t take ownership of it.
Hive tables can be created as EXTERNAL or INTERNAL. This is a choice that affects how data is loaded, controlled, and managed.
Use EXTERNAL tables when:
Use INTERNAL tables when:
The best use case for an external table in the hive is when you want to create the table from a file either CSV or text
Also Keep in mind that Hive is a big data warehouse. When you want to drop a table you dont want to lose Gigabytes or Terabytes of data. Generating, moving and copying data at that scale can be time consuming. When you drop a 'Managed' table hive will also trash its data. When you drop a 'External' table only the schema definition from hive meta-store is removed. The data on the hdfs still remains.