How to find if a native DLL file is compiled as x6

2020-01-23 10:21发布

I want to determine if a native assembly is complied as x64 or x86 from a managed code application (C#).

I think it must be somewhere in the PE header since the OS loader needs to know this information, but I couldn't find it. Of course I prefer to do it in managed code, but if it necessary, I can use native C++.

2楼-- · 2020-01-23 10:47

I rewrote c++ solution in first answer in powershell script. Script can determine this types of .exe and .dll files:

#Description       C# compiler switch             PE type       machine corflags
#MSIL              /platform:anycpu (default)     PE32  x86     ILONLY
#MSIL 32 bit pref  /platform:anycpu32bitpreferred PE32  x86     ILONLY | 32BITREQUIRED | 32BITPREFERRED
#x86 managed       /platform:x86                  PE32  x86     ILONLY | 32BITREQUIRED
#x86 mixed         n/a                            PE32  x86     32BITREQUIRED
#x64 managed       /platform:x64                  PE32+ x64     ILONLY
#x64 mixed         n/a                            PE32+ x64  
#ARM managed       /platform:arm                  PE32  ARM     ILONLY
#ARM mixed         n/a                            PE32  ARM  

this solution has some advantages over corflags.exe and loading assembly via Assembly.Load in C# - you will never get BadImageFormatException or message about invalid header.

function GetActualAddressFromRVA($st, $sec, $numOfSec, $dwRVA)
    [System.UInt32] $dwRet = 0;
    for($j = 0; $j -lt $numOfSec; $j++)   
        $nextSectionOffset = $sec + 40*$j;
        $VirtualSizeOffset = 8;
        $VirtualAddressOffset = 12;
        $SizeOfRawDataOffset = 16;
        $PointerToRawDataOffset = 20;

    $Null = @(
        $curr_offset = $st.BaseStream.Seek($nextSectionOffset + $VirtualSizeOffset, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin);        
        [System.UInt32] $VirtualSize = $b.ReadUInt32();
        [System.UInt32] $VirtualAddress = $b.ReadUInt32();
        [System.UInt32] $SizeOfRawData = $b.ReadUInt32();
        [System.UInt32] $PointerToRawData = $b.ReadUInt32();        

        if ($dwRVA -ge $VirtualAddress -and $dwRVA -lt ($VirtualAddress + $VirtualSize)) {
            $delta = $VirtualAddress - $PointerToRawData;
            $dwRet = $dwRVA - $delta;
            return $dwRet;
    return $dwRet;

function Get-Bitness2([System.String]$path, $showLog = $false)
    $Obj = @{};
    $Obj.Result = '';
    $Obj.Error = $false;

    $Obj.Log = @(Split-Path -Path $path -Leaf -Resolve);

    $b = new-object System.IO.BinaryReader([System.IO.File]::Open($path,[System.IO.FileMode]::Open,[System.IO.FileAccess]::Read, [System.IO.FileShare]::Read));
    $curr_offset = $b.BaseStream.Seek(0x3c, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin)
    [System.Int32] $peOffset = $b.ReadInt32();
    $Obj.Log += 'peOffset ' + "{0:X0}" -f $peOffset;

    $curr_offset = $b.BaseStream.Seek($peOffset, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin);
    [System.UInt32] $peHead = $b.ReadUInt32();

    if ($peHead -ne 0x00004550) {
        $Obj.Error = $true;
        $Obj.Result = 'Bad Image Format';
        $Obj.Log += 'cannot determine file type (not x64/x86/ARM) - exit with error';

    if ($Obj.Error)
        Write-Host ($Obj.Log | Format-List | Out-String);
        return $false;

    [System.UInt16] $machineType = $b.ReadUInt16();
    $Obj.Log += 'machineType ' + "{0:X0}" -f $machineType;

    [System.UInt16] $numOfSections = $b.ReadUInt16();
    $Obj.Log += 'numOfSections ' + "{0:X0}" -f $numOfSections;
    if (($machineType -eq 0x8664) -or ($machineType -eq 0x200)) { $Obj.Log += 'machineType: x64'; }
    elseif ($machineType -eq 0x14c)                             { $Obj.Log += 'machineType: x86'; }
    elseif ($machineType -eq 0x1c0)                             { $Obj.Log += 'machineType: ARM'; }
        $Obj.Error = $true;
        $Obj.Log += 'cannot determine file type (not x64/x86/ARM) - exit with error';

    if ($Obj.Error) {
        Write-Output ($Obj.Log | Format-List | Out-String);
        return $false;

    $curr_offset = $b.BaseStream.Seek($peOffset+20, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin);
    [System.UInt16] $sizeOfPeHeader = $b.ReadUInt16();

    $coffOffset = $peOffset + 24;#PE header size is 24 bytes
    $Obj.Log += 'coffOffset ' + "{0:X0}" -f $coffOffset;

    $curr_offset = $b.BaseStream.Seek($coffOffset, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin);#+24 byte magic number
    [System.UInt16] $pe32 = $b.ReadUInt16();         
    $clr20headerOffset = 0;
    $flag32bit = $false;
    $Obj.Log += 'pe32 magic number: ' + "{0:X0}" -f $pe32;
    $Obj.Log += 'size of optional header ' + ("{0:D0}" -f $sizeOfPeHeader) + " bytes";

    #COMIMAGE_FLAGS_ILONLY               =0x00000001,
    #COMIMAGE_FLAGS_32BITREQUIRED        =0x00000002,
    #COMIMAGE_FLAGS_IL_LIBRARY           =0x00000004,
    #COMIMAGE_FLAGS_32BITPREFERRED       =0x00020000,

    $COMIMAGE_FLAGS_ILONLY        = 0x00000001;

    $offset = 96;
    if ($pe32 -eq 0x20b) {
        $offset = 112;#size of COFF header is bigger for pe32+

    $clr20dirHeaderOffset = $coffOffset + $offset + 14*8;#clr directory header offset + start of section number 15 (each section is 8 byte long);
    $Obj.Log += 'clr20dirHeaderOffset ' + "{0:X0}" -f $clr20dirHeaderOffset;
    $curr_offset = $b.BaseStream.Seek($clr20dirHeaderOffset, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin);
    [System.UInt32] $clr20VirtualAddress = $b.ReadUInt32();
    [System.UInt32] $clr20Size = $b.ReadUInt32();
    $Obj.Log += 'clr20VirtualAddress ' + "{0:X0}" -f $clr20VirtualAddress;
    $Obj.Log += 'clr20SectionSize ' + ("{0:D0}" -f $clr20Size) + " bytes";

    if ($clr20Size -eq 0) {
        if ($machineType -eq 0x1c0) { $Obj.Result = 'ARM native'; }
        elseif ($pe32 -eq 0x10b)    { $Obj.Result = '32-bit native'; }
        elseif($pe32 -eq 0x20b)     { $Obj.Result = '64-bit native'; }

       if ($Obj.Result -eq '') { 
            $Obj.Error = $true;
            $Obj.Log += 'Unknown type of file';
       else { 
            if ($showLog) { Write-Output ($Obj.Log | Format-List | Out-String); };
            return $Obj.Result;

    if ($Obj.Error) {
        Write-Host ($Obj.Log | Format-List | Out-String);
        return $false;

    [System.UInt32]$sectionsOffset = $coffOffset + $sizeOfPeHeader;
    $Obj.Log += 'sectionsOffset ' + "{0:X0}" -f $sectionsOffset;
    $realOffset = GetActualAddressFromRVA $b $sectionsOffset $numOfSections $clr20VirtualAddress;
    $Obj.Log += 'real IMAGE_COR20_HEADER offset ' + "{0:X0}" -f $realOffset;
    if ($realOffset -eq 0) {
        $Obj.Error = $true;
        $Obj.Log += 'cannot find COR20 header - exit with error';
        return $false;

    if ($Obj.Error) {
        Write-Host ($Obj.Log | Format-List | Out-String);
        return $false;

    $curr_offset = $b.BaseStream.Seek($realOffset + 4, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin);
    [System.UInt16] $majorVer = $b.ReadUInt16();
    [System.UInt16] $minorVer = $b.ReadUInt16();
    $Obj.Log += 'IMAGE_COR20_HEADER version ' + ("{0:D0}" -f $majorVer) + "." + ("{0:D0}" -f $minorVer);

    $flagsOffset = 16;#+16 bytes - flags field
    $curr_offset = $b.BaseStream.Seek($realOffset + $flagsOffset, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin);
    [System.UInt32] $flag32bit = $b.ReadUInt32();
    $Obj.Log += 'CorFlags: ' + ("{0:X0}" -f $flag32bit);

#Description       C# compiler switch             PE type       machine corflags
#MSIL              /platform:anycpu (default)     PE32  x86     ILONLY
#MSIL 32 bit pref  /platform:anycpu32bitpreferred PE32  x86     ILONLY | 32BITREQUIRED | 32BITPREFERRED
#x86 managed       /platform:x86                  PE32  x86     ILONLY | 32BITREQUIRED
#x86 mixed         n/a                            PE32  x86     32BITREQUIRED
#x64 managed       /platform:x64                  PE32+ x64     ILONLY
#x64 mixed         n/a                            PE32+ x64  
#ARM managed       /platform:arm                  PE32  ARM     ILONLY
#ARM mixed         n/a                            PE32  ARM  

    $isILOnly = ($flag32bit -band $COMIMAGE_FLAGS_ILONLY) -eq $COMIMAGE_FLAGS_ILONLY;
    $Obj.Log += 'ILONLY: ' + $isILOnly;
    if ($machineType -eq 0x1c0) {#if ARM
        if ($isILOnly) { $Obj.Result = 'ARM managed'; } 
                  else { $Obj.Result = 'ARM mixed'; }
    elseif ($pe32 -eq 0x10b) {#pe32
        $is32bitRequired = ($flag32bit -band $COMIMAGE_FLAGS_32BITREQUIRED) -eq $COMIMAGE_FLAGS_32BITREQUIRED;
        $is32bitPreffered = ($flag32bit -band $COMIMAGE_FLAGS_32BITPREFERRED) -eq $COMIMAGE_FLAGS_32BITPREFERRED;
        $Obj.Log += '32BIT: ' + $is32bitRequired;    
        $Obj.Log += '32BIT PREFFERED: ' + $is32bitPreffered 
        if     ($is32bitRequired  -and $isILOnly  -and $is32bitPreffered) { $Obj.Result = 'AnyCpu 32bit-preffered'; }
        elseif ($is32bitRequired  -and $isILOnly  -and !$is32bitPreffered){ $Obj.Result = 'x86 managed'; }
        elseif (!$is32bitRequired -and !$isILOnly -and $is32bitPreffered) { $Obj.Result = 'x86 mixed'; }
        elseif ($isILOnly)                                                { $Obj.Result = 'AnyCpu'; }
   elseif ($pe32 -eq 0x20b) {#pe32+
        if ($isILOnly) { $Obj.Result = 'x64 managed'; } 
                  else { $Obj.Result = 'x64 mixed'; }

   if ($showLog) { Write-Host ($Obj.Log | Format-List | Out-String); }
   if ($Obj.Result -eq ''){ return 'Unknown type of file';};
   $flags = '';
   if ($isILOnly) {$flags += 'ILONLY';}
   if ($is32bitRequired) {
        if ($flags -ne '') {$flags += ' | ';}
        $flags += '32BITREQUIRED';
   if ($is32bitPreffered) {
        if ($flags -ne '') {$flags += ' | ';}
        $flags += '32BITPREFERRED';
   if ($flags -ne '') {$flags = ' (' + $flags +')';}
   return $Obj.Result + $flags;

usage example:

#$filePath = "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\regedit.exe";#32 bit native on 64bit windows
$filePath = "C:\Windows\regedit.exe";#64 bit native on 64bit windows | should be 32 bit native on 32bit windows

Get-Bitness2 $filePath $true;

you can omit second parameter if you don't need to see details

3楼-- · 2020-01-23 10:48

64-bit binaries are stored in PE32+ format. Try reading;topic=6687.0;id=3486

4楼-- · 2020-01-23 10:51

There is an easy way to do this with CorFlags. Open the Visual Studio Command Prompt and type "corflags [your assembly]". You'll get something like this:

c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC>corflags "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Data.dll"

Microsoft (R) .NET Framework CorFlags Conversion Tool. Version 3.5.21022.8 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Version : v2.0.50727 CLR Header: 2.5 PE : PE32 CorFlags : 24 ILONLY : 0 32BIT : 0 Signed : 1

You're looking at PE and 32BIT specifically.

  • Any CPU:

    PE: PE32
    32BIT: 0

  • x86:

    PE: PE32
    32BIT: 1

  • x64:

    PE: PE32+
    32BIT: 0

5楼-- · 2020-01-23 10:51

Open the dll with a hex editor, like HxD

If the there is a "dt" on the 9th line it is 64bit.

If there is an "L." on the 9th line it is 32bit.

6楼-- · 2020-01-23 10:53

Apparently you can find it in the header of the portable executable. The corflags.exe utility is able to show you whether or not it targets x64. Hopefully this helps you find more information about it.

7楼-- · 2020-01-23 10:59

You can find a C# sample implementation here for the IMAGE_FILE_HEADER solution

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