I need to know the exact size of ActionBar in pixels so to apply correct background image.
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The Class Summary is usually a good place to start. I think the getHeight() method should suffice.
If you need the width, it should be the width of the screen (right?) and that can be gathered like this.
@AZ13's answer is good, but as per the Android design guidelines, the ActionBar should be at least 48dp high.
If you're using the compatibility ActionBar from the recent v7 appcompat support package, you can get the height using
From the de-compiled sources of Android 3.2's
contains:3.0 and 3.1 seem to be the same (at least from AOSP)...
I needed to do replicate these heights properly in a pre-ICS compatibility app and dug into the framework core source. Both answers above are sort of correct.
It basically boils down to using qualifiers. The height is defined by the dimension "action_bar_default_height"
It is defined to 48dip for default. But for -land it is 40dip and for sw600dp it is 56dip.
I did in this way for myself, this helper method should come in handy for someone: