Append existing excel sheet with new dataframe usi

2020-01-23 02:58发布

I currently have this code. It works perfectly.

It loops through excel files in a folder, removes the first 2 rows, then saves them as individual excel files, and it also saves the files in the loop as an appended file.

Currently the appended file overwrites the existing file each time I run the code.

I need to append the new data to the bottom of the already existing excel sheet ('master_data.xlsx)

dfList = []
path = 'C:\\Test\\TestRawFile' 
newpath = 'C:\\Path\\To\\New\\Folder'

for fn in os.listdir(path): 
  # Absolute file path
  file = os.path.join(path, fn)
  if os.path.isfile(file): 
    # Import the excel file and call it xlsx_file 
    xlsx_file = pd.ExcelFile(file) 
    # View the excel files sheet names 
    # Load the xlsx files Data sheet as a dataframe 
    df = xlsx_file.parse('Sheet1',header= None) 
    df_NoHeader = df[2:] 
    data = df_NoHeader 
    # Save individual dataframe
    data.to_excel(os.path.join(newpath, fn))


appended_data = pd.concat(dfList)
appended_data.to_excel(os.path.join(newpath, 'master_data.xlsx'))

I thought this would be a simple task, but I guess not. I think I need to bring in the master_data.xlsx file as a dataframe, then match the index up with the new appended data, and save it back out. Or maybe there is an easier way. Any Help is appreciated.

2楼-- · 2020-01-23 03:09

If you aren't strictly looking for an excel file, then get the output as csv file and just copy the csv to a new excel file

df.to_csv('filepath', mode='a', index = False, header=None)

mode = 'a'

a means append

This is a roundabout way but works neat!

3楼-- · 2020-01-23 03:20

A helper function for appending DataFrame to existing Excel file:

def append_df_to_excel(filename, df, sheet_name='Sheet1', startrow=None,
    Append a DataFrame [df] to existing Excel file [filename]
    into [sheet_name] Sheet.
    If [filename] doesn't exist, then this function will create it.

      filename : File path or existing ExcelWriter
                 (Example: '/path/to/file.xlsx')
      df : dataframe to save to workbook
      sheet_name : Name of sheet which will contain DataFrame.
                   (default: 'Sheet1')
      startrow : upper left cell row to dump data frame.
                 Per default (startrow=None) calculate the last row
                 in the existing DF and write to the next row...
      truncate_sheet : truncate (remove and recreate) [sheet_name]
                       before writing DataFrame to Excel file
      to_excel_kwargs : arguments which will be passed to `DataFrame.to_excel()`
                        [can be dictionary]

    Returns: None
    from openpyxl import load_workbook

    import pandas as pd

    # ignore [engine] parameter if it was passed
    if 'engine' in to_excel_kwargs:

    writer = pd.ExcelWriter(filename, engine='openpyxl')

    # Python 2.x: define [FileNotFoundError] exception if it doesn't exist 
    except NameError:
        FileNotFoundError = IOError

        # try to open an existing workbook = load_workbook(filename)

        # get the last row in the existing Excel sheet
        # if it was not specified explicitly
        if startrow is None and sheet_name in
            startrow =[sheet_name].max_row

        # truncate sheet
        if truncate_sheet and sheet_name in
            # index of [sheet_name] sheet
            idx =
            # remove [sheet_name]
            # create an empty sheet [sheet_name] using old index
  , idx)

        # copy existing sheets
        writer.sheets = {ws.title:ws for ws in}
    except FileNotFoundError:
        # file does not exist yet, we will create it

    if startrow is None:
        startrow = 0

    # write out the new sheet
    df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name, startrow=startrow, **to_excel_kwargs)

    # save the workbook

Usage examples...

Old answer: it allows you to write a several DataFrames to a new Excel file.

You can use openpyxl engine in conjunction with startrow parameter:

In [48]: writer = pd.ExcelWriter('c:/temp/test.xlsx', engine='openpyxl')

In [49]: df.to_excel(writer, index=False)

In [50]: df.to_excel(writer, startrow=len(df)+2, index=False)

In [51]:


enter image description here

PS you may also want to specify header=None if you don't want to duplicate column names...

UPDATE: you may also want to check this solution

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