I can catch sms, can see sender phone, body, I can abortBroadcast if I don't like this sms, but I don't know how to just mark this sms as read, that user can readit in box later. Any ideas how I can do this?
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This might help you :
An answer has been given here: Set sms as read in Android
where "_id" is the message's ID
Edited, thanks NilayOnAndroid!
I did a workarround for versions newer that KitKat, from answer here: if there are messages to be read, when user leaves the app, start SMS app with the number for which I want messages to mark read. This will automatically mark all messages as read.
Since Android 4.4 KitKat the only app can modify sms data - SMS-app that was set as default
More info can be found here: http://android-developers.blogspot.ru/2013/10/getting-your-sms-apps-ready-for-kitkat.html
I don't think that there is any official support for this, but this question provides a method of doing it (have not tried it though): Mark MMS as read programmatically