I know it's possible to get an empty HTTP_REFERER. Under what circumstances does this happen? If I get an empty one, does it always mean that the user changed it? Is getting an empty one the same as getting a null one? and under what circumstances do I get that too?
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I have found the browser referer implementation to be really inconsistent.
For example, an anchor element with the "download" attribute works as expected in Safari and sends the referer, but in Chrome the referer will be empty or "-" in the web server logs.
Is broken in Chrome - no referer sent.
BalusC's list is solid. One additional way this field frequently appears empty is when the user is behind a proxy server. This is similar to being behind a firewall but is slightly different so I wanted to mention it for the sake of completeness.
It will/may be empty when the enduser
HTTP_REFERER - sent by the browser, stating the last page the browser viewed!
If you trusting [HTTP_REFERER] for any reason that is important, you should not, since it can be faked easily:
Try this firefox extension, you'll be able to set any headers you want:
@Master of Celebration:
extensions: refspoof, refontrol, modify headers, no-referer
Completely disable: the option is available in about:config under "network.http.sendRefererHeader" and you want to set this to 0 to disable referer passing.
Google chrome / Chromium:
extensions: noref, spoofy, external noreferrer
Completely disable: Chnage ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Preferences or ~/.config/chromium/Default/Preferences and set this:
Or simply add --no-referrers to shortcut or in cli:
Completely disable: Settings > Preferences > Advanced > Network, and uncheck "Send referrer information"
Spoofing web service:
Standalone filtering proxy (spoof any header):
Spoofing http_referer when using wget
Spoofing http_referer when using curl
-e, --referer
Spoofing http_referer wth telnet
It will also be empty if the new Referrer Policy standard draft is used to prevent that the referer header is sent to the request origin. Example:
Although Chrome and Firefox have already implemented a draft version of the Referrer Policy, you should be careful with it because for example Chrome expects
instead ofnone
(and I have seen alsonever