I have encountered a question where I need to allow default args to be set on a function in JavaScript:
function dfltArgs(func, params) {
const strFn = func.toString()
const args = /\(([^)]+)\)/.exec(strFn)[1].split(',')
const defaultVal = (arg, val) => typeof arg !== 'undefined' ? arg : val
return (...dynamicArgs) => {
const withDefaults = args.map((arg, i) =>
defaultVal(dynamicArgs[i], params[args[i]]))
return func(...withDefaults)
function add (a, b) { return a + b }
var add_ = dfltArgs(add,{b:9})
console.log(add_(10)) // Should be 19
var add_ = dfltArgs(add_,{b:3})
console.log(add_(10)) // Should now be 13
However, I need to be able to call this function more than once and overwrite previously set defaults:
var add_ = defaults(add,{b:9})
add_(10) // Should be 19
var add_ = defaultArguments(add_,{b:3})
add_(10) // Should now be 13
This does not work in my implementation, because the stringified function on the second call is: (...dynamicArgs) => {
, etc.
How can I refactor this? Probably need to use bind
Instead of your complicated default args thing, why not just use some arrow functions with real default arguments:
That way you can easily change the bound things: