as the title, i want to know how to send rich massage like carousel,button ,image,etc to line from dialogflow. i try to fill the costum payload on an intent. but i keep failed to get respond on line.(i do get respond when i check the diagnostic info) my costum payload is just like this..from the dialogflow docs
"type": "template",
"altText": "this is a buttons template",
"template": {
"type": "buttons",
"thumbnailImageUrl": "",
"title": "Menu",
"text": "Please select",
"actions": [
"type": "postback",
"label": "Buy",
"data": "action=buy&itemid=123"
"type": "postback",
"label": "Add to cart",
"data": "action=add&itemid=123"
"type": "uri",
"label": "View detail",
"uri": ""
perhaps its because on diagnostic info (on dialogflow) there was a payload key when i get respnd... ?can i get rid the payload key?..c
"payload": {
"template": {
"imageBackgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
"imageSize": "cover",
"imageAspectRatio": "rectangle",
"defaultAction": {
"label": "View detail",
"type": "uri",
"uri": ""
"actions": [
"type": "postback",
"label": "Buy",
"data": "action=buy&itemid=123"
"label": "Add to cart",
"data": "action=add&itemid=123",
thanks for your help :D
just find out the answer, you should put "line" key and works now,