I want a YouTube player that just has play, pause, and close as options. Maybe full screen would be fine. No recommended videos, more videos, etc.
I want to share YouTube videos through Google Classroom. I don't want them to be able to click any link that re-directs them back to the YouTube watch page.
Google Classroom only allows you to search for videos using its interface OR provide a watch link / url. I'm trying to use a workaround using an embed code on a Google Site. If it's easy enough to do I might try to teach teachers how to create their own links. Or maybe I can make a custom embed code generator that I can share with them.
I've looked at YouTube embed API code, but cannot get anything to work. I assume it's just my small amount of knowledge about how to code it.
I know I want controls=0
and showinfo=0
at the least
I expected this to strip out the navigation bar, YouTube watermark, and Video Title. It didn't do any of them. When I remove all but one of the variables it does that variable. Again, apologies about my lack of understanding on the topic.
It's not going to be possible to make it that minimalist. All of the options for embedding videos are listed here:
You could use an online tool like this to customize everything that's available with an easier to use UI:
I'm sorry to say, but I don't think you are able to do so without breaking the YouTube Terms of Service. Removing their watermark sounds especially problematic.
It's not going to be possible to remove the watermark or redirects to Youtube. All options for the iFrame API are here!