I have a very big problem. This is my code:
function calcolaGiorni() {
var data1 = document.getElementById('set').value;
var data2 = document.getElementById('set1').value;
var diffTempo = Math.abs(data2.getTime() - data1.getTime());
var diffGiorni = Math.ceil(diffTempo / (1000 * 3600 * 24));
var prezzo = 500;
var totale = diffGiorni*prezzo;
document.getElementById('stampaTot').value = totale;
<input type="hidden" name="prezzoTotale" id="stampaTot">
The hidden input will contain the operation result, but anything don't work.
Try stepping through your code in the browser debugger. Verify that your variables are numbers and can result in valid results.
Check in the console (
in Chrome) to see the results, or use an alert box, as below.