Strange issue I haven't really found documentation about. I think it may end up being a simple case of "you don't understand how the product works" and I'm hoping someone can fill the gap(s).
Here's what's going on... I have 3 separate apps which are servers. They're all listening on different ports. Each server is intended for a different specialized purpose. I'm building the application so that I can expand it in parts and only impact the individual isolated pieces I need to change/update.
This was working fine, until I realized that for each application running there's an extra socket connection per server. So if I have 3 apps, then I have 3 connections on each server.
The evidence of this is that if I add a console.log("Connected") to each server then connect a client, each server reports as many connections as there are servers. Hopefully this makes sense.
My goal, is I want 1 connection per server. It seems like the connections are each acting as a generic connection to all socket servers. My server listeners are set up like this :
io = require('').listen(26265) // can use up to 26485
My clients connect like this :
socket = new io('http://localhost:26265')
To add on to my original question so that you can see more code...
Full client code:
AdminIO = new io('http://localhost:26266');
if(typeof rows === 'object'){
rows = Array(rows);
dropInfo("Failed to retrieve userlist",{level: "error"});
AdminIO.on('test',function (q) {
The server code is pretty long... So the relevant pieces are :
var io = require('').listen(26266); // can use up to 26484
//.... imported additional modules and defined simple functions here
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.on('restart_request', function(req){
var success = false
, session = JSON.parse(req.session)
, sessionID = session.sessionID;
checkSession(sessionID, function (ses) {
if (ses === false) { console.error('CheckSession failed: No session exists'); return; }
if (ses.user.uuid !== session.uuid) { console.error('CheckSession failed: UUID mismatched'); return; }
if (ses.user.role < conf['Permissions']['lm_restart']){ socket.emit('restart_fail','Insufficient permissions.'); return; }
if(process.platform === 'win32'){
executeCMD('START "" .\\windows\\scripts\\restart_lm.bat',function(err,res){
var errSent = false;
if(!errSent){ socket.emit('restart_fail','Restart failed'); }
errSent = true;
if(res === null){return;}
socket.emit('restart_success','LM successfully restarted.');
else if(process.platform === 'linux'){
var success = false
, session = JSON.parse(req.session)
, opts = req.opts || null
, sessionID = session.sessionID
, col = opts.col || null
, where = opts.where || null
, range = opts.range || null
checkSession(sessionID, function (ses) {
if (!ses) { console.error('CheckSession failed: No session exists'); return; }
if (ses.user.uuid !== session.uuid) { console.error('CheckSession failed: UUID mismatched'); return; }
if (ses.user.role < conf['Permissions']['lm_user_query']){ socket.emit('userQuery_fail','Insufficient permissions.'); return; }
Query.users({col: col, where: where, range: range},function(err,res){
else {socket.emit('failed_users',true);}
Try removing the 'new' keyword from the io thing. You shouldn't use 'new' there since it would make new instances every time you reload the page or a new client connects. So, it should look like: Server side:
Client side:
I think this is what you were looking for.