Using javascript / another client side scripting language I need to show the result of a http get request, and update every X seconds without refreshing. The api I am working with is external and works like this: You send it a request, no parameters, and it returns a number. I need to display this in a static html site and live update it every 2 seconds.
So far I have been able to live update using functions like Math.random()
and setInterval but my trouble is making a GET request inside the JavaScript, to an external domain. I have a working php script that provides the result but I do not know how to integrate this into the JS
Just use Ajax and setInterval():
I strongly advice to call the function again inside the success of the api call. A solution using setInterval may hammer the site even when it gives errors. Also the request can take longer than 2 second to execute
Here I use jQuery for simplicity's sake
Use setTimeout inside the success:
If the URL is crossdomain, you may want to look into JSON and CORS: How to get a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) post request working