I come across one more difficulty while instantiate the fifo code to my top module. I want to store some set of data say "WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF FPGA" from my serial port ( receiving subsystem) then i want to retrieve it back say when button on fpga board is pressed or FIFO is full. I have my fifo code and serial communication code written. Idea is data sent from keyboard ->receiving subsystem -> FIFO -> transmitting subsystem -> hyperterminal. I am at present using fifo of 8 bit wide and say 28 deep just to store some small data. Please help me in this regard how can I implement it.I have byte coming from receiver saved in register_save. fifo code
inst_bit8_recieve_unit : entity work.byte_recieve_8N1
port map ( ck => ck,
reset => reset,
new_byte_in_buffer => new_byte_in_buffer,
byte_read_from_buffer => byte_read_from_buffer,
recieve_buffer => register_save,
JA_2 => JA(2));
---------------------FIFO instantiate-------------------------------
inst_of_fifo_Recieve_unit : entity work.fifo
generic map (B => data_bits, W => fifo_width)
port map ( ck => ck,
reset => reset,
rd => rd_rx,
wr => wr_rx,
write_data => num_recieved,
read_data => num_recieved_fifo,
empty => empty_rx,
full => full_rx );
inst_bit8_transmit_unit : entity work.byte_transmit_8N1
port map ( ck => ck,
reset => reset,
send_byte_ready => send_byte_ready,
send_byte_done => send_byte_done ,
send_buffer => num_send,
proc_send5byte: process(ck, reset, state_byte5, send_byte_done, num_send, state_button_0, num_recieved_fifo, rd_rx)
if reset = '1' THEN
state_byte5 <= idle;
send_byte_ready <='0';
num_send <= "00000000" ;
if rising_edge(ck) then
case state_byte5 is
when idle => ---- in this, if btn(0) is high i.e pressed then only state_byte5 will go to next state
if state_button_0 = transit_pressed then
state_byte5 <= byte;
end if;
when byte =>
if (not empty_rx = '1') then
if send_byte_ready ='0' and send_byte_done = '0' then ----here if condition is satified the send_byte_ready will be set
send_byte_ready <='1'; --------- shows next byte is ready
num_send <= num_recieved_fifo;
rd_rx <='1';
end if;
end if;
if send_byte_ready = '1' and send_byte_done = '1' then --- during load state send_byte will be resets
send_byte_ready <='0';
rd_rx <= '0';
state_byte5 <= idle; ----------- go back to idle
end if;
--end if;
when others =>
state_byte5 <= idle; ------------- for other cases state state _byte5 will be in idle
send_byte_ready <= '0';
rd_rx <= '0';
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
proc_recieving_byte : process (ck, reset, register_save, new_byte_in_buffer, full_rx, num_recieved, wr_rx)
if reset = '1' then
byte_read_from_buffer <= '0';
if rising_edge(ck) then
if full_rx = '0' then
if new_byte_in_buffer = '1' and byte_read_from_buffer = '0' then
byte_read_from_buffer <= '1';
wr_rx <= '1';
num_recieved(7 downto 0 ) <= register_save( 7 downto 0);
end if;
end if;
if new_byte_in_buffer = '0' then
byte_read_from_buffer <= '0';
wr_rx <= '0';
end if;
--end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
Just added the corrected code now which seems to be working. Problem araises when increase the depth of fifo. When depth>2 then every third byte is missing. Please help, why I am loosing data.
The principe of a fifo is First In First Out. You have not to manage it.
then the data is store, you do it again to store another value.
When you want to read all data (Fifo full / any case you want)
You set Read enable bit to '1' and every clock cycle, you will receive a data.
Just found the error and corrected as above which works very well. Comments to improve are welcome.