I have a current state where an enum
MyType represent Type table with columns as:
And it's used to identify type using ID parameter with byId
public enum MyType {
FIRST_TYPE("First Type", 10),
SECOND_TYPE("Second Type", 20);
public static class Holder {
static Map<Integer, MyType > idMap = new HashMap<>();
private Holder() { }
private MyType(String name, Integer id) {
this.name = name;
this.id = id;
Holder.idMap.put(id, this);
public String getName() {
return name;
public static MyType byId(Integer id) {
return Holder.idMap.get(id);
My new requirement is to support also values exists in Type table, I found answers for dynamic enum, but accept answer is not to do it
No. Enums are always fixed at compile-time. The only way you could do this would be to dyamically generate the relevant bytecode.
What will be a better solution for finding also values (mainly IDs) from database (for example ID 30)
select ID from TYPE
Can I extends existing state instead of change it? can I add extra IDS from database using method?
Even if I update as @StefanFischer suggested an interface which populate map with enum class and new database class, I still expect in code an enum return by byId
public interface MyType {
public static class Holder {
static Map<Integer, MyType> idMap = new HashMap<>();
private Holder() { }
public default void add(MyType myType, Integer id) {
Holder.idMap.put(id, myType);
public static MyType byId(Integer id) {
return Holder.idMap.get(id);
enum represents a group of constants (unchangeable variables, like final variables). you can not define it on runtime.
A distinct non-answer: you are trying to force yourself down the wrong rabbit hole.
The whole point of Enums are to give you certain advantages at compile time. At runtime, it really wouldn't matter to the JVM if you have a class with some
final static Whatever
fields, or an Enum with different constants. Or if you use anEnumSet
versus an ordinarySet
.You use enums because they allow you to write down your source code in more elegant ways.
Therefore the approach of generating enums at runtime doesn't make sense.
The idea of enums is that you write source code using them. But when your enums are generated for you, how exactly would you write source code exploiting them?! As mentioned already, enum classes are final by default. You can't extend or enhance them separately. Whatever you would want to have, it needs to be generated for you. Which again raises the question: how would you exploit something at compile time, that gets generated at runtime?
Therefore, from a conceptual point of view, the approach outlined in the other answer (to use a Map) is a much better design point than trying to turn enums into something that they aren't meant to be.
If I understand it correctly the requirements are:
from the databaseSo a enum can not be extended dynamically, but we could switch to a class.
So staying close to your code one could write something like:
Test Data
Let's assume we have the following in the database:
So in the database we have the predefined types with id=10 and id=20 but also a type with id=30 that is not known per default to the application. But we can populate the types from the database.
Test Case
JDBC Example
It doesn't matter what actual database technology is used to retrieve the values. Here an example for JDBC:
Demo Output
Is that what you are looking for?