Basically, I have a teardown method that I want to log to the console which test was just run. How would I go about getting that string?
I can get the class name, but I want the actual method that was just executed.
public class TestSomething {
public void tearDown() {
System.out.println("The test that just ran was: " + getTestThatJustRanMethodName());
public void testCase() {
assertTrue(1 == 1);
...should output to the screen: "The test that just ran was: testCase"
However, I don't know the magic that getTestThatJustRanMethodName
should actually be.
If you want to get the method name before the test is executed you can use the following:
Just declare a
parameter.But TestNG allows you to inject a lot more ;)
Declare a parameter of type ITestResult in your @AfterMethod and TestNG will inject it:
Another (although not as simple as Cedric's answer) way that TestNG supports this is to register a listener:
Where the listener could look like this:
This particular listener would print the method name (i.e.
) to the console. It would be executed after every executed test.If you are generating the testSuite programmatically then you can add the listener as follows instead of adding
over each test class