I am using the below VBA code to replace few words in all the files inside one folder.in the same VBA code is it possible to copy the third line of each file and replace it with the second line.
Sub ReplaceStringInFile1()
Dim objFSO As Object, objFil As Object, objFil2 As Object
Dim StrFileName As String, StrFolder As String, strAll As String, newFileText As String
Set objFSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
StrFolder = "I:\Documents\ABC\AZ\"
StrFileName = Dir(StrFolder & "*.txt")
Do While StrFileName <> vbNullString
Set objFil = objFSO.opentextfile(StrFolder & StrFileName)
strAll = objFil.readall
Set objFil2 = objFSO.createtextfile(StrFolder & StrFileName)
'change this to that in text
newFileText = Replace(strAll, "To:", "FROM")
'change from to to in text
newFileText = Replace(newFileText, "THIS", "THAT")
'write file with new text
'change from to to in text
newFileText = Replace(newFileText, "IS", "WAS")
'write file with new text
objFil2.Write newFileText
StrFileName = Dir
End Sub
I will tell you logic and use the logic accordingly and come up with the code if you got any issues.
Open Each Text file
and read each line one by one usingReadLine
and Check for end of stream usingAtEndOfStream
. Copy each line in one string but skip the second the line. Something like thisNow Open the Text File
Replace the old text in files UsingObj.Write StrF
and Close the file. Do the loop for all files in the folder.Hope This Helps :)