I've got a little question about my script, I'm trying to enter a lot of data in my MySQL database but I've got the next problem
I can't enter the data with php because there is a space in one of my column names
here is the code
$qw1 = "voornaam, achternaam, straat, postcode, geboortejaar, telefoonnummer, email, ORDER DATE";
$qw2 = "'$vnaam', '$anaam','$straat', $code, $geboorte, $tel, '$email', '$dateandhour'";
mysql_query("INSERT INTO bestellingen ($qw1) VALUES ($qw2)");
I hope someone could help me, thanks in forward !
Use Backticks
why dont you use the sql error ? so you can see what the msitake is .
try this
use backticks around this also
Note: this ` is not same as this '
try this
don't use spaces in column names, but use AS in your query. For example Select orderDate as 'ORDER DATE'
Use backticks (`) tilde symbol.