I have two different (yet almost identical) databases and I and trying to produce a table which will display the combined results of a query on the two databases. (In MySql workbench, these databases are completely separate, and contain the databases that are being queried, I'm not sure if that makes a difference but it may be useful to know).
I need the results table to show the following:
number | company | db1 count | db2 count |
Number and Company are in both databases, the only difference between the two is that the count in one is different.
**Eventually there will be a fifth column, which will show the difference between the two counts, but I will get to that eventually.
I've looked at many different ideas with regards to getting the result I want, but I still have no idea really. Where the number in db1 and db2 are the same, I need to display the count for each. The code I have at the moment is:
// Creating the connection
$conn1 = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $db1);
$conn2 = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $db2);
// Test connection
if ($conn1->connect_error) {
die ("Connection failed: " . $conn1->connect_error);
elseif ($conn2->connect_error){
die("Connection failed: " . $conn2->connect_error);
$sql1 = "SELECT num.number AS Number, com.name As company, count(*) As db1 count
FROM db1.db.job_processing AS jp
LEFT JOIN db1.db.number AS num ON num.id=jp.number_id
LEFT JOIN db1.db.company AS com on com.id=num.company_id
WHERE jp.show=1 AND jp.processing_complete=1
AND jp.call_start_time BETWEEN '2016-12-17' AND '2017-01-03'
LIMIT 20";
$result1 = $conn1->query($sql1);
$sql2 = "SELECT num.number AS Number, com.name AS company, COUNT(*) AS db2 Count
FROM db2.db.job_processing AS jp
LEFT JOIN db2.db.number AS num ON num.id=jp.number_id
LEFT JOIN db2.db.company AS com on com.id=num.company_id
WHERE jp.show=1 AND jp.processing_complete=1
AND jp.call_start_time BETWEEN '2016-12-17' AND '2017-01-03'
LIMIT 20";
$result2 = $conn2->query($sql2);
if ($result1 = $conn1->query($sql1) && ($results2 = $conn2->query($sql1))) {
echo"<TABLE><caption>Total Call Count Overview</caption><TR>
<TH>db1 Count</TH>
<TH>db2 Count</TH></TR>";
//This is where I think my problems are arising
while ($row1 = $result1->fetch_assoc() && ($row2 = $result2->fetch_assoc())) {
echo"<TR><TD>". $row1["number"]. "</TD>";
echo"<TD>". $row1["company"]. "</TD>";
echo"<TD>". $row1["db1 Count"]. "</TD>";
echo"<TD>". $row2["db2 Count"]. "</TD></TR>";
} else {
echo"O Results";
I think it's the end part where I am stuck. I have also looked at the following solution:
if ($result1 = $conn1->query($sql1)) {
echo"<TABLE><caption>Total Call Count Overview</caption><TR>
<TH>db1 Count</TH>
<TH>db2 Count</TH></TR>";
while ($row1 = $result1->fetch_assoc()) {
echo"<TR><TD>". $row1["number"]. "</TD>";
echo"<TD>". $row1["company"]. "</TD>";
echo"<TD>". $row1["db1 Count"]. "</TD>";
echo"<TD>". $row2["db2 Count"]. "</TD></TR>";
} else {
echo"O Results";
if ($result2 = $conn2->query($sql2)) {
echo"<TABLE><caption>Total Call Count Overview</caption><TR>
<TH>db1 Count</TH>
<TH>db2 Count</TH></TR>";
while ($row_devel = $result_devel->fetch_assoc()) {
echo"<TR><TD>". $row1["number"]. "</TD>";
echo"<TD>". $row1["company"]. "</TD>";
echo"<TD>". $row1["db1 Count"]. "</TD>";
echo"<TD>". $row2["db2 Count"]. "</TD></TR>";
} else {
echo"O Results";
Those are just two of the solutions I've been trying. I just don't get how I can merge the two queries together, and I realise I have probably gone completely wrong in a number of places, but any assistance I could get would be much appreciated.
EDIT With regards to the databases, on is a 'write to' db, and the other is a 'report' db. So, every time a call is made to a number it should be added to the table. My query should be counting the number of times a number appears. I just want to display if there are any differences between what is reported (the report db) and what is actual (the write to db).
Edit :
Assuming your results are like this :
If you want to display a table like this
You need to merge the results of the two queries before to print them to screen. This is possible thanks to your 'number' column which can be used as the key of your PHP array.
You also need to modify your SQL queries to include a fake column representing the other database count :
And then combine the 2 results before to display them, like this :