I was able to get helped by clicking on the first calendar and needed to do the same thing for the next calendar. SO i need to pick 1st day of the mon th on the first calendar nad for the 2nd calendar i need to click on the last day of next month. The schedule im creating is every two months.
THe first calendar pick is as follows and this works;
IWebElement FromCalendar = Chromedriver.FindElement(By.Id("ctl00_MainContent_dpStart_B-1")); //
//Always Click the current 1st day of the month
new WebDriverWait(Chromedriver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)).Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementToBeClickable(By.XPath("//td[@class='dxeCalendarDay'][.='1']"))).Click();
The second calendar is the following and does not work, i also created a variable that is included in the xpath but i get a timeout error and even if i change the seconds to 20 or 30 seconds i still get the same error. If i hard coded the value in the variable it still wouldnt work.
String LastDayofNextMonth = endOfLastDayNextMonth.ToString("dd");
// 2nd Calendar
Chromedriver.FindElement(By.Id("ctl00_MainContent_dpEnd_B-1Img")).Click(); ; //
//Click next month because schedule should be every 2 months
Chromedriver.FindElement(By.Id("ctl00_MainContent_dpEnd_DDD_C_NMCImg")).Click(); //
//Always Click the last day of next month - so schedule is for every 2 months
new WebDriverWait(Chromedriver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)).Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementToBeClickable(By.XPath("//td[@class='dxeCalendarDay'][.='"+LastDayofNextMonth+"']"))).Click();
The calendar does open and goes to the next month but the last day of the month is not clicked and i get the following error;
OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverTimeoutException: 'Timed out after 3 seconds'
I am not sure why the first calendar works and the second doesnt.
Thank you in advance.
I figured it out.
The Calendar had 2 day 30 therefore it was choosing the 30 of the month of October and should be the last day of next month which is Nov 30.
Final code;