id | name
1 | one
2 | two
3 | three
4 | four
5 | five
id | name
1 | London
2 | Barcelona
id_user | id_house
1 | 1
2 | 2
4 | 1
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('User u')
// many selectors here
->leftJoin('u.UserHouse uh')
$users = $q->execute();
I would like get all user without House (that is - not in table UserHouse) - this should return me user 3 and 5.
I know, i can use:
->from('UserHouse uh')
and next relation to User but i must have and use:
->from('User u')
because i use this query with many selectors - can't edit this. I must started with ->from('User u')
So what i must fill in ->addWhere('????????') that this return me users without house?
If not with Doctrine, how can i get this with simply SQL?
In SQL, this type of query needs what is known as an
. Some RDBMSs actually implement this as a separate type (such as DB2), while others need to use a workaround. In your case, it amounts to (in SQL):Which will yield the expected 'not in a house' records.
There are similar examples in a number of places on this site.
I've never used Doctrine, so I can't help you there. But my best guess would be something like: