This question is an exact duplicate of:
so I have this code to input a matrix from a text file:
import os
path = input('enter file path')
there = os.path.exists(path)
if there == False:
print('Invalid path')
matrix = open(path).read()
matrix = [item.split() for item in matrix.split('\n')]
print('Invalid character in text file')
My question is how to prevent to let pass a matrix that has different row length?For example a text file containing:
1 2 3
4 3 2 2
1 2 4 7 7
Should print something like 'row doesnt have the same length in the text file' and not let it pass.Im not quite sure of how to do that.
Just loop through the array, calling
on each sub array, and then checking if it is equal to the length of the first line.