I have the sample xml data as shown below,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<FIXML s="2012-04-23" v="FIX.5.0SP2">
<Batch ID="...">
<MktDef MktID="XEUR" MktSegID="14" EfctvBizDt="2017-05-11" NxtEfctvBizDt="2017-05-15" MktSeg="CONF" MarketSegmentDesc="FUT 8-13 Y. SWISS GOV.BONDS 6%" Sym="CH0002741988" ParentMktSegmID="FBND" Ccy="CHF" MktSegStat="1" USFirmFlag="Y" PartID="2">
<BaseTrdgRules QtSideInd="1" FastMktPctg="0">
<SecDef TxnTm="2016-12-09T07:29:08.483638853">
<MktSegGrp MktSegID="14">
<BaseTrdgRules ImpldMktInd="3" MlegModel="0"/>
<MktSegGrp MktSegID="14">
<BaseTrdgRules ImpldMktInd="3" MlegModel="0"/>
<MktSegGrp MktSegID="14">
<BaseTrdgRules ImpldMktInd="3" MlegModel="0"/>
<MktDef MktID="XEUR" MktSegID="19629" EfctvBizDt="2017-05-11" NxtEfctvBizDt="2017-05-15" MktSeg="FBON" MarketSegmentDesc="EURO BONO FUTURE 8,5-10,5 YEAR" Sym="DE000A163W29" ParentMktSegmID="FBND" Ccy="EUR" MktSegStat="1" USFirmFlag="Y" PartID="2">
<BaseTrdgRules QtSideInd="1" FastMktPctg="0">
This is my sample XSLT...
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format" >
<xsl:output method="text"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:for-each select="FIXML/Batch">
<xsl:variable name="mktDef" select="concat(/Batch/MktDef/@MktID,',',/Batch/MktDef/@MktSegID,',',/Batch/SecDef/@TxnTm,',',/Batch/SecDef/@PriSetPx)" />
<xsl:when test="Batch">
<xsl:for-each select="Batch">
<xsl:value-of select="concat($mktDef, ',',/Batch/MktDef/BaseTrdgRules/@QtSideInd,',',/Batch/MktDef/BaseTrdgRules/@FastMktPctg,',',/Batch/SecDef/MktSegGrp/SecTrdgRules/BaseTrdgRules/@ImpldMktInd,',',/Batch/SecDef/MktSegGrp/SecTrdgRules/BaseTrdgRules/@MlegModel,'
<xsl:value-of select="concat($mktDef, ',,,,,
I want to get the attributes data of "BaseTrdgRules" in both MktDef and SecDef as below,
MktID MktSegID TxnTm PriSetPx QtSideInd FastMktPctg ImpldMktInd MlegModel
XEUR 14 158.39 2016-12-09T07:29:08.483638853
XEUR 14 158.39 2016-12-09T07:29:08.483638853 3 0
XEUR 14 158.39 2016-12-09T07:29:08.483638853 3 0
I have written the code in DOM and able to parse the xml. But the problem is memory issue so I have to develop this with something new parser which it can parse large XML files.
Could you please help me on this. Thanks in Advance!
I couldn't quite work out your logic but I think you may benefit from using a key here to look up the
element using itsMktSegGrp
attribute valueSo, for a given
, you would get theSecDef
elements for it like soTry this XSLT