Hey I need to convert zamel code to JavaScript Code. One of the controllers of zamel, allows monitoring of Scada alerts. I have the following controller:
The way this controller works: we have 20 alerts on board, each alert has 3 states:
- Ok State - color with green.
- Alert state - color with yellow.
- Danger state - color with red.
I need to build a controller using Highcharts API, The controller need to deal with real time data(update on live). The controller need to be responsive and collapsible. Can I achieve this goals using HighCharts API , If so how. I would be glad for any initial help in build this controller.
I think that in your case the best idea will be to use simple heatmap chart. It will give you a possibility of changing the data, resizing the chart, using tooltip etc.
Here you can find code that may help you:
I have used 3 values: 0 for 'ok', 0.5 for 'alert' and 1 for 'danger'.
Here you can see an example how it can work: http://jsfiddle.net/d7zt64v4/1/