This Question is a bit long and I have edited too much to reduce my code but I hope anyone can help me out please!
I'm working on a Math test in times table project with php which will ask the user to enter his name and then ask him 10 questions like "2 x 2 = ?" giving four buttons to choose an answer and then after answering 10 questions the user will be redirected to result.php
page which will show the result and here is what I wrote so far in homePage.php
if (isset($_POST['submit']) ) {
$_SESSION['QuestionNumber'] = 1;
$_SESSION['CorrectAnswers'] = 0;
$_SESSION['QuestionsAsnwered'] = 0;
$_SESSION['QuestionsAnswered'] = 0;
header("location: MathTest.php");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1 align="center">Math Test</h1>
<form method="POST" action="">
<div style="text-align: center;">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Begin Test"">
and in MathTest.php which contains the problem:
//just controlling user answer no problem here
if (isset($_POST[$_SESSION['UserAnswer']])) {
if ($_SESSION['QuestionNumber'] == 10) {
header("location: result.php");
if ($_SESSION['UserAnswer'] == $_SESSION['CorrectAnswer']) {
$_SESSION['QuestionNumber'] += 1;
$_SESSION['CorrectAnswers'] += 1;
$_SESSION['QuestionsAnswered'] += 1;
} else {
$_SESSION['QuestionNumber'] += 1;
$_SESSION['QuestionsAnswered'] += 1;
//I think that my problem(written down) is here
function QuestionGenerator(){
$rnd1 = rand(1, 12);
$rnd2 = rand(2, 12);
$CorrectAnswer = $rnd1 * $rnd2;
$WrongAnswer1 = $CorrectAnswer - 2;
$WrongAnswer2 = $CorrectAnswer + 2;
$WrongAnswer3 = $CorrectAnswer + 4;
$_SESSION['rnd1'] = $rnd1;
$_SESSION['rnd2'] = $rnd2;
$_SESSION['CorrectAnswer'] = $CorrectAnswer;
$_SESSION['WrongAnswer1'] = $WrongAnswer1;
$_SESSION['WrongAnswer2'] = $WrongAnswer2;
$_SESSION['WrongAnswer3'] = $WrongAnswer3;
$_SESSION['AnswersArray'] = array($_SESSION['CorrectAnswer'], $_SESSION['WrongAnswer1'], $_SESSION['WrongAnswer2'], $_SESSION['WrongAnswer3']);
function EchoAnswers($array) {
echo "<form method='POST' action='' ";
foreach ($array as $_SESSION['UserAnswer']) {
echo "<button><input style='width: 200px; height: 100px; font-size: 75px;' type='submit' name='" . $_SESSION['UserAnswer'] . "' value='" . $_SESSION['UserAnswer'] . "' ></button";
echo "</form>";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<?php echo "<h1 align='center' style='font-size: 75px;'>Question " . $_SESSION['QuestionNumber'] . " of 10</h1>"; ?>
<h2 align="center" style="font-size: 60px"><?php echo $_SESSION['rnd1'] . " X " . $_SESSION['rnd2'] . " = ?" ?></h2>
<div align="center">
<?php EchoAnswers($_SESSION['AnswersArray']) ?>
the problem is when I click on any button it will only shuffle the answers but if I press the last button it will work full functionally
The problem I had was that there is 4 submit buttons each with different
tag so the session will only store the last input button and will make it functional but for the others it will only refresh the page with no different because they are not being controlled by php code so to solve this problem I only changed the EchoAnswers function like this:the
tag was also set to$_SESSION['UserAnswer']
so I changed this part to a normal name and I also changed the php code like this:the part that I have changed in php code is
was set to$_SESSION['UserAnswer']
instead of normal name in the name tag.